Giovanni Liverani

Giovanni Liverani

Giovanni Liverani


Working experience:


President of the Board of Directors at Genertel.



CEO Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the Generali Group.



CEO Generali Deutschland AG (former Generali Deutschland Holding AG). Orchestrated a business

turnaround aimed at simplifying processes, consolidating the distribution network, boosting offering

to clients and strengthening the Generali brand. The turnaround included, among other actions, the

creation of a "one company" through the merger of 14 employer entities into 3, 10 product factories

into 3, 6 distribution channels into 3 and 7 brands into 3.

As a result, Germany is the biggest market in the Generali Group outside Italy and Generali is the

second primary insurance player in Germany with approximately 10,000 employees and 17,000 fulltime

salespeople, and the online leader, serving 10 million customers.



Member of the Group Management Committee (GMC), the executive management board of the

Generali Group. Country Manager for Germany in the Generali Group. Germany is the second

biggest market in the Generali Group, accounting for almost 25% of the overall premium income.

Generali is the second primary insurance player in Germany with a premium income of 18 billion €,

13.800 employees, 13 million customers.



Regional Officer for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) for the Generali Group. The Regional

Officer EMEA reports directly to the Group CEO and is the responsible line manager for 23 insurance

companies, 4 holding companies, 29 services companies in the following countries: Austria, Spain,

Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Ireland, Guernsey, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, United Arab

Emirates, Tunisia.

The region EMEA accounts for approximately 11 billion € premiums, 11.000 employees,760 mio. €

operating profit. In his role, the Regional Officer is the hierarchical line manager of the 12

CEOs/Country Managers of the EMEA countries as well as of 9 Chief Functional Officers of the

EMEA Regional Office, which is the virtual holding in charge of managing the region.

He is the Chairman of the EMEA Regional Executive Board, EMEA Regional Risk and Controlling

Functions Committee, EMEA Regional HR & Nomination/Remuneration Committee, EMEA

Regional Investment Committee.



Head of the Business Performance Management Unit (BPMU) Central Europe (Italy, Germany,

Switzerland) for the Generali Group.

Takes responsibility to manage the performance and implement the role of group management and

coordination in all Insurance Business Units in the Italian, German and Swiss market as well as to

represent Generali Head Office in the board of directors or supervisory boards of those business units.

The Business Performance Manager reports to the Group Chief Insurance Officer and has a dotted

functional reporting line to the local country managers. In this time period, the Italian operations

entered into a phase of restructuring aimed at increasing efficiency and improving market positioning.



Head of the Business Coordination Unit (BCU) Central Europe (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and

Head of Commercial Control & Coordination for International Insurance Operations (CCC IO) for

the Generali Group. The CCCIO is a Head Office function managing functionally (dotted line) the

distribution and marketing areas of all the business units globally, in order to achieve group synergies

and develop best practices. Founder and project leader of the Generali Group International Project

“Distribution Networks". ln managing the project, he is functionally managing about 25 senior sales

managers from the whole Generali Group.

Founder and project leader of the Generali Group International Project “Customer as an Asset"

(Customer retention, Cross-selling, Growth through Customer Satisfaction). In managing the project,

he is functionally managing about 20 senior marketing managers from the whole Generali Group.



Area Manager responsible for Germany and Austria for the Generali Group. The Area Manager is a

role directly reporting to the Head of Foreign Insurance Operations, managing the performance of

the Insurance business units of the specific geographical area, with a functional dotted reporting line

to the local country managers. In this role he is also the Shareholder's representative within the

supervisory boards of the local business units. Founder and project leader of the Generali Group

International Project “Canalgrande" (Direct Channels). In managing the project, he is functionally

managing 4 CEOs of the direct insurance operations of the Group.



Area Manager within the Foreign Insurance Operations of Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.

responsible for Germany and Switzerland.



Member of the management board (Chief Commercial and Operating Officer) at Genertel S.p.A.,

responsible for Sales, Marketing, Operations and Information and Communication Technology (400

employees, 18 sales team leaders, 3 sales managers, 6 back-office managers, 4 functional directors).

The year he left the company, Genertel had reached more than 200 mio. € turnover, ab. 550.000

customers, 500 employees, profits of 15 mio. € and a ROE of 57%.



Member of the management board at Genertel S.p.A., responsible for Sales, Marketing and Back

Office Operations at Genertel (350 employees, 18 sales team leaders, 3 sales managers, 6 back-office

managers, 3 functional directors).



Member of the management board at Genertel S.p.A (Chief Sales&Mktg Officer), responsible for

Sales and Marketing (260 employees, 12 sales team leaders, 2 sales managers, 2 functional directors).



Marketing Manager responsible for the Marketing Department at Genertel (10 employees, 9 mio. €

advertising investment).



Co-founder of Genertel S.p.A., the direct sales (Web and Call Center) company of the Generali Group

in Italy. The founding team was composed of 3 persons. Liverani developed the process design of

sales, marketing, and operations, and implemented the marketing and communication plan for the

market launch. The company is the first direct insurer in the Italian market. The company is based in

Trieste and 100% owned by Assicurazioni Generali. It sells motor, household, personal liability,

accident, travel and health insurance.



Researcher at the Ufficio Studi (R&D Department) of Assicurazioni Generali Headoffice in Trieste.

During this period he developed a feasibility study for Life bancassurance initiatives in the Italian

market and a comprehensive feasibility study for the implementation of a private insurance managed

health care system in Italy.

He spent several months in the United States analysing the private and public health insurance sector

in the United Healthcare Corporation (Minnesota) and Aetna (Connecticut).



University degree (Laurea in Ingegneria, 5 years highest university graduation) in

Engineering (Industrial Technologies) at the „Politecnico di Milano“ in Milan.

High School diploma in the Liceo Classico „S. Maffei“ in Verona.

“Ulysses” top management training program - Generali Group Innovation Academy

“Essere Leader” leadership program - Generali Group Innovation Academy

“Value Based Management Programme” - Generali Group Innovation Academy

“General Management Programme – Layer A” - Generali Group School.



Member of the Italian national team in the World University Championships and World Junior

Championships in cross country orienteering and Italian champion 1980, 1981, 1983.

Member of the board of the Italian Sports Federation FISO.

Hobbies: Running, Skiing, Mountaineering.